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Artist- Solo


Against the Grain, The Birmingham Whisky Club, Jewellery Quarter 

PhotoDeath, Terrace, Birmingham, UK
The Freedom Cabinet, School of Art, Margaret Street, Birmingham, UK
Congregation, Crowd6 Gallery, Birmingham, UK
Light On. Light Off., The Central Lion Bridge, Keelung, Taiwan


Artist- Group


In the Blink of an Eye, Canal House, Birmingham


Little Monsters, Jubilee Centre, Birmingham

Monster Show, The Works Gallery, Birmingham
Obsolescence, Curious Matter, Jersey City, New Jersey, USA
‘A Clean and Well-Lighted Place’, Curated by Enrico Gomez, The Tale Tellers, Online
Pen, The Pen Museum, Birmingham

Babelling Part II, Article Gallery, Birmingham
Babelling, Terrace @ Sluice Art Fair, London
Rare Breeds, The Residence Gallery, London
In the Bleak, Terrace, Birmingham
Going Postal, Departure Foundation, 22 Gas Street, Birmingham
Representation of the Real, The Works Gallery, Birmingham

Nap Kin, Performance with Paul Newman at ‘State of Uncertainly’, The Vaults, Birmingham
Outlined, Minerva Works, Birmingham

Anti-Curate, MAC, Birmingham, UK
Amen (Version) (curated by Tim Dixon) Outpost Summer Fair, Norwich, UK

The Witching Hour (curated by Matthew Collings and Matt Price), Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, Birmingham, UK
Sing Silent Songs, TROVE, Birmingham, UK
125 Anniversary Show, School of Art, Margaret Street, Birmingham, UK

The Endless Descent, Rea Studios, Birmingham, UK

Midnight Silverfish, An Endless Supply Magazine and launch, UK
Menagerie of Birds, Pitt Studio, Worcester, UK

West Midlands Open, Wolverhampton Museum and Art Gallery, UK
Wunderkammer,  School of Art, Margaret Street, Birmingham, UK
Hear Here, Crowd6 Gallery, Birmingham, UK

Birmingham Open, Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, UK

Captain Ed with the Mergentleman, Ikon Gallery Picnic; Eastside Green, Birmingham, UK
A stranger drifts into town, or someone goes on a journey, MAC, Birmingham, UK

SeeSaw, School of Art, Margaret Street, Birmingham, UK and Sin Pin Pier, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
All together, at once, at the same time, Colony, Birmingham, UK
A stranger drifts into town, or someone goes on a journey, City Gallery, Leicester, UK
Intertidal Zone Art Monitoring Station, Kaohsiung Museum and Art Gallery, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
MA Show, School of Art, Margaret Street, Birmingham, UK

Time and Breakfast, Springhill Institute, Birmingham, UK
The Whole Has A One To One Correspondence To Any Part, Custard Factory, Birmingham, UK

Science Fiction Double Feature, Ikon Gallery, The Custard Factory, BIAD Margaret Street and Springhill Institute, Birmingham, UK
Body Electric, 912 Gallery, Shorditch, London, UK




Ian Andrews: The Scetchbook and the Collider, Library of Birminhgam Third Floor Gallery


In the Blink of an Eye, Sarah Fortes Mayer (with other selected artists), Canal House, Birmingham 


Neither here nor there, Ian Andrews and Graham Burquest, Centrala, Birmingham


Interrobang (BMETC HND Fine Art show), Curzon Street Station, Birmingham


Arch(BMETC HND Fine Art show), The Arches Project, Birmingham

Babelling Part II @ Article Gallery, Birmingham (Ian Andrews, Paul Newman, David Miller)
Babelling, Terrace @ Sluice Art Fair, London (Ian Andrews, Paul Newman, David Miller)
In the Bleak, Terrace, Birmingham(Graham Burquest, Frederick Hubble, Hollingworth & Davie, Paul Langford, David Miller, Paul Newman)

BMETC HND Fine Art show, AE Harris, Birmingham

Ian Andrews,'Rummage Out' Terrace, Birmingham
Paul Newman,'A Night in Tableau Yellow'  Terrace, Birmingham
Too Dimensional (BMETC HND Fine Art show), Minerva Works, Birmingham

Fuzed (BMETC HND Fine Art show), Boxxed Arts, Birmingham

Sing Silent Songs, TROVE, Birmingham, UK
(Matthew Krishanu, Wendy Mayer, David Miller, Paul Newman)
BMETC HND Fine Art show, The Works Gallery, Birmingham




Age-Yard-Shift, Midlands Art Centre (MAC), Birmingham, (working with In-Public and Paul Newman to create an exhibition based on a series of workshops)


After the Flood (Paul Newman solo) Nuneaton Museum and Art Gallery (advisory/ curatorial assistance) 

Outlined, Minerva Works, Birmingham (group show, 22 artists)

Show of Science, TROVE, Birmingham, UK
(a.a.s., Victoria Jenkins, Lee Stowers and Luke Williams)
The Vaults Bazaar, TROVE, Birmingham, UK
(Jane Ball, Graham Chorlton, Coco Deville, Caitlin Griffiths, Daniel Lehan, Brigid McLeer, Milk, Two Sugars, Paul Newman, Elizabeth Short and Steve Varndell)

David Mackintosh, TROVE, Birmingham, UK
BMETC HND Fine Art show, The Works Gallery, Birmingham

Hayley Lock, TROVE, Birmingham,UK
Zoe Williams, TROVE, Birmingham, UK
Jo Gane, TROVE, Birmingham, UK
Sam Smith, TROVE, Birmingham, UK
Will Clifford, TROVE, Birmingham, UK

SeeSaw, School of Art, Margaret St, Birmingham, UK and Sin Pin Pier, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
(Ana Benlloch, David Miller, Stuart Tait, Feng-Ru Lee, Su-Chen Hsu, Sheng-Chien Hsiao)




A film made for Ian Andrews 'Guess Who Came for Dinner' installation at Stryx, Birmingham

Awards/ Professional Membership

Arts Council Funding for Babelling at Sluice Art Fair 2013

Founder of Terrace 2012
Arts Council Funding for Sing Silent Songs at TROVE 2010
Founding Member of Grand Union 2009
Co-Founder of TROVE Gallery 2009
West Midlands Open Photography Prize 2008
Fellow of Royal Society of Art 2006 – 10
Taiwan National Art and Culture Foundation funding for travel to Taiwan 2005
Arts Council funding for participation in Intertidal Zone Art Monitoring Station, Taiwan 2005
Arts Council funding for production of work 2005
A.H.R.B. Postgraduate Award – Professional Preparation Masters Scheme 2004


Birmingham Institute of Art and Design (BCU)
Margaret Street, Birmingham, B3 3BX

Fine Art MA Distinction 2005
Fine Art BA hons First 2002
QTLS 2012


HND Fine Art Tutor at Birmingham Metropolitan College  2010-2015
BA Visiting Lecturer at School of Art, Birmingham City University  2014
Lecture at School of Art, Birmingham City University  2013


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